Virtual Gifts for Super EB – Oct 2013 to Jan 2014

Indigo, Clementine, and Meep are secondary school students. Peapod is their pet. Like all secondary school students who study during the day, they try to save the world by going on different missions in their spare time. These students form the Super EB team.

In the last episode, Super EB had a hard fight with the Stickies army and they won. The Stickies army returned the rocket to Super EB before they left. Unfortunately, the rocket was broken and needed to be repaired. Just when they had finished repairing the rocket, there was a meteorite fall and they were brought back to the Dinosaur Age. Now they need your help to go back to the time and place that they are originally from.

To help Super EB, you will need to collect one magic wand (No. 4), two diamonds (No. 2), two hammers (No. 3), one map (No. 5), and two telescopes (No. 6). Do you think you can help them get the suitable tools?

To achieve the mission, you will have to complete the EB lessons from November 2013 to March 2014. If you get at least 60% in the lessons, you will have a chance to earn one tool. If you complete the mission and successfully collect the tools that we have identified earlier, you can write to us and we will reward you with our limited edition aluminum bottle!

The probability of getting each tool is different. Some are easy to get, some are less easy.. The most challenging thing is — you may not even get one! However, you can increase your chances of getting gifts by doing your lessons within 72 hours of their release.

Send your name, school name and class number to, when you successfully achieve the mission. After verifying your data, we will let you preview the ending of the episode and announce your name on our website!

The story will last for one year and there will be a mission to achieve for every time. Do pay attention to our updates in the website.

Don’t delay! Help Super EB to collect the tools now!

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