Congratulations to our Collection King, who successfully collected a full set of animals from Sep 2013 to Mar 2014.

Yeung Paak To | Sing Yin Secondary School
I am surprised to get this prize. I think that this mission is quite challenging because it is difficult to get some of the tools and I need to exchange gifts with my friends. I remembered that gift number 3 was really difficult to get. Fortunately, my friend got it and exchanged with me. That is fun to get some gifts after doing some exercises. I hope there will be more missions and special gifts later.

Terry Chow | San Wui Commercial Society Secondary School

- You will have a chance to earn one gift if you get at least 60% on the lesson.
- The probability of getting each gift is different. Some are easier to get, but some are not. The most challenging thing is — you may not even get one! However, you can increase your chances of getting gifts by doing your lessons within 72 hours of their release.
- Send your name, school name and class number to, when you successfully achieve the mission. After verifying your data, we will let you preview the ending of the episode and announce your name on our website! We will reward you with one special edition aluminum bottle!
Collection for Sep 2013 to Mar 2014:
One magic wand (No. 4), two diamonds (No. 2), two hammers (No. 3), one map (No. 5), and two telescopes (No. 6)